"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var MAX_HUE = 360;
* Generate a set of colors from original color to changes of targetValue.
* For example, generateProgressiveColorsOfSameHue(270, 10)
* to generate 10 purple colors from darker to lighter
* @param hue 0 - 360. If greater than 360, will use value of mod 360. Default to 270 (purple theme)
* @param numberOfColors
* @param options
* @returns array of HSL color code
* @category style
* @module generateProgressiveColorsOfSameHue
var generateProgressiveColorsOfSameHue = function (hue, numberOfColors, options) {
if (hue === void 0) { hue = 270; }
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
var _a = options.lightness, lightness = _a === void 0 ? 50 : _a, _b = options.saturation, saturation = _b === void 0 ? 100 : _b, _c = options.mode, mode = _c === void 0 ? 'lightness' : _c, _d = options.targetValue, targetValue = _d === void 0 ? 80 : _d;
var normalizedHue = hue % MAX_HUE;
if (mode === 'saturation') {
// Decrease saturation
// Saturation diff between colors
var saturationDiff_1 = numberOfColors > 1
? (targetValue - saturation) / (numberOfColors - 1)
: 0;
return new Array(numberOfColors).fill('')
.map(function (d, index) { return ("hsl(".concat(normalizedHue, ", ").concat(saturation + (saturationDiff_1 * index), "%, ").concat(lightness, "%)")); });
// Decrease lightness
// Lightness diff between color
var lightnessDiff = numberOfColors > 1 ? (targetValue - lightness) / (numberOfColors - 1) : 0;
return new Array(numberOfColors).fill('')
.map(function (d, index) { return ("hsl(".concat(normalizedHue, ", ").concat(saturation, "%, ").concat(lightness + (lightnessDiff * index), "%)")); });
exports.default = generateProgressiveColorsOfSameHue;