"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var isNum_1 = __importDefault(require("../number/isNum"));
var MAX_PERCENT = 100;
* Convert aspect ratio to height percentage for use in the container
* @param aspectRatio The floating number of aspect ratio of format (W/H). e.g. 12/8
* @param fallbackPercentage (optional) in format of "XX%". If invalid, use "100%"
* @returns height in format of "XX%", which is percentage of height to width (H/W)
* @category style
* @module calculateHeightPercentageByAspectRatio
var calculateHeightPercentageByAspectRatio = function (aspectRatio, fallbackPercentage) {
if (fallbackPercentage === void 0) { fallbackPercentage = '100%'; }
// If is number
if ((0, isNum_1.default)(aspectRatio, true)) {
// AspectRatio is W/H but padding top is H/W
return "".concat(MAX_PERCENT / parseFloat(aspectRatio.toString()), "%");
// If in format of "number:number"
else if (/^(\d*\.)?\d+:(\d*\.)?\d+$/.test(aspectRatio.toString())) {
var _a = aspectRatio.toString().split(':'), _b = _a[0], width = _b === void 0 ? '1' : _b, _c = _a[1], height = _c === void 0 ? '1' : _c;
return "".concat(MAX_PERCENT * (parseFloat(height) / parseFloat(width)), "%");
// Fallback
return /^(\d*\.)?\d+%$/.test(fallbackPercentage) ? fallbackPercentage : '100%';
exports.default = calculateHeightPercentageByAspectRatio;