

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
 * Divide a number with a divisor until the number is smaller than the divisor
 * @author Sandy Lau
 * @param dividend The dividend
 * @param divisor The divisor
 * @returns A tuple type of [quotient, depth]. Eg. for num = 40000, and divisor = 1000 -> [40, 1]
 * @category math
 * @module divideDeep
var divideDeep = function (dividend, divisor, maxDepth) {
    if (maxDepth === void 0) { maxDepth = Infinity; }
    var exponent = Math.log(dividend) / Math.log(divisor);
    // Math.max(maxDepth, 0) is to ensure maxDepth not smaller than 0
    var depth = Math.max(0, Math.min(Math.floor(exponent), maxDepth));
    var quotient = Math.pow(divisor, (exponent - depth));
    return [quotient, depth];
exports.default = divideDeep;