"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.DEFAULT_INTERVAL = exports.DEFAULT_MAX_TRY_TIME = void 0;
// 25 times
exports.DEFAULT_MAX_TRY_TIME = 25;
// Every 20 seconds
exports.DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 20000;
/** @ignore Wait for service async */
function describeRecur(_a) {
var describe = _a.describe, input = _a.input, _b = _a.retryCounter, retryCounter = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, hasService = _a.hasService, callback = _a.callback, maxTryTime = _a.maxTryTime, interval = _a.interval;
describe(input, function (err, data) {
if (err || !hasService(data)) {
// Abort if retry time reaches maximum
if (retryCounter >= maxTryTime) {
if (err)
else {
// Pass resolve as a callback and increment `retryCounter`
setTimeout(function () {
describe: describe,
input: input,
retryCounter: retryCounter + 1,
hasService: hasService,
callback: callback,
maxTryTime: maxTryTime,
interval: interval,
}, interval);
else {
callback(null, data);
* Wait for some service to be active.
* This is a supplemental help for some services which does not natively have a `waitFor` helper.
* Example:
* ```
* const dynamodbStreams = new AWS.DynamoDBStreams();
type I = AWS.DynamoDBStreams.DescribeStreamInput
type O = AWS.DynamoDBStreams.DescribeStreamOutput
export type Result = O
const waitForStream = (input: I): Promise<null | Result> => waitForAWSService<I, O, AWS.AWSError>(
// Prevent `this` context problem
(...args) => dynamodbStreams.describeStream(...args),
data => !!data?.StreamDescription
* ```
* @category AWS
* @module waitForAWSService
function waitForAWSService(describe, input, hasService, _a) {
var _b = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, _c = _b.maxTryTime, maxTryTime = _c === void 0 ? exports.DEFAULT_MAX_TRY_TIME : _c, _d = _b.interval, interval = _d === void 0 ? exports.DEFAULT_INTERVAL : _d;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var callback = function (err, data) {
if (err)
resolve(data !== null && data !== void 0 ? data : null);
describe: describe,
input: input,
retryCounter: 0,
hasService: hasService,
callback: callback,
maxTryTime: maxTryTime,
interval: interval,
exports.default = waitForAWSService;